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CSR Policy
CSR Action Statement
In order to realize its "Management Philosophy", USUI Group (USUI CO., LTD. and its domestic and overseas subsidiaries) will promote its CSR activities in every aspect of USUI Group's business in accordance with the foregoing "Management Philosophy" and the following "CSR Policy" as a member of the global society.
We will formulate the "USUI CSR Policy" to further enhance the CSR activities in USUI Group, and familiarize all employees of USUI Group with the "USUI CSR Policy". Furthermore, we will actively conduct our CSR activities by positioning quality, human rights, labor, safety, environment, compliance, risk management and social contribution as the key areas of our CSR activities.
CSR Policy
- USUI Group will aim to contribute to the stable and sustainable development of the global society through its business activities based on the "Management Philosophy" as a member of the global society.
- USUI Group will observe laws and ethical standards of each country and protect human rights and conduct honest business activities based on the "USUI Action Agenda".
- USUI Group will contribute to solving the various social issues as a member of the global society, and thereby live up to the expectations of stakeholders.
- CSR Report 2022
Our promise to key stakeholders
- Our promise to customers
- We will provide products that are valued in all aspects of quality, price, delivery time, safety and environment.
- Our promise to employees
- We will respect the personality and individuality of employees, and ensure a safe and favorable working environment.
- Our promise to suppliers
- We will build a fair business relationship with our supplies, and procure optimal and ideal materials.
- Our promise to international society and local community
- We will observe competition laws of each country and conduct robust and fair business activities.
(We will not engage in any act of bid-rigging or cartel which restricts free corporate activities.) - USUI Group Competition Law Compliance Policy
- We will conduct business activities by giving sufficient consideration to the environment and safety.
- We will support efforts in social contribution activities, education, culture and fine arts.
- We will observe competition laws of each country and conduct robust and fair business activities.