Main content starts here.
- 1941
- Establishment as USUI Seikin Kiki Kenkyusho with ¥180,000 capital
- 1945
- Renamed USUI KOKUSAI SANGYO KAISHA, LTD. currently using
- 1949
- Expanded the business to auto industry based on newly developed production method successfully for diesel fuel injection tube.
Applied the utility model right of the method in 1950. The said right becomes company's 1st industrial property applied and owned.
- Expanded the business to auto industry based on newly developed production method successfully for diesel fuel injection tube.
- 1952
- Start production of tubing for brake
- 1957
- Start production of push rod made of steel tube and bushing type plain bearings made of lined steel sheet being rolled
- 1960
- Establishment and operations start of Double Walled Steel Tubing production plant
- 1963
- Started production of Plastic Cooling Fan
- 1965
- Technical cooperation with Schwitzer Corporation of U.S.A. concerning Fan Drive®
- 1966
- Operations started at Hiroshima Satellite Plant
- Operations Izu-Nagaoka Plant for mass production of Fan Drive®
- 1967
- Operations started at Funabara Plant
- 1968
- Operations started at Nagasawa Plant
- Development of Single Walled Steel Tubing was succeeded and the start of tube production
- 1969
- Operations started at Toi Plant
- 1971
- Operations started at Heda Plant and Nirayama Plant
- 1973
- Operations started at Ohito Plant, Higashi-Fuji plant, Toi-Kikai Plant, and Shibakawa Plant
- 1974
- Operations started at Nambu Plant (solely for wire condensers production) and Ema Plant
- 1987
- Establishment of USUI International Corporation in U.S.A.
- 1990
- Established R&D Center for plastic fans in USUI International Corporation (referred to as UIC)
- 1991
- Operations started at Virginia Plant of UIC
- 1994
- Operations started at Ohio Plant of UIC
- 1998
- Mass production started of fuel injection tubes for common rail type diesel engine fuel rail
- 2000
- Establishment of USUI International Corporation (Thailand) Ltd. in Thailand.
- 2002
- Operations started at Mississippi Plant of UIC
- 2003
- Establishment of USUI International France S.A.S. in France
- Establishment of USUI International Germany GmbH in Germany
- 2004
- Establishment and operations started of USUI Automotive Parts(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, China
- Establishment of USUI Seoul Office, Korea
- 2005
- Operations started at Kyowa No.2 Plant for Koatsukan Production Dept.
- Establishment of USUI Automotive Part(Foshan) Co., Ltd. in Foshan, China
- Establishment of Shanghai USUI Engine Parts Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, China
- 2006
- Operations start at Gotemba Plant
- 2007
- Establishment of USUI International Korea Co., Ltd. in Seoul, Korea
- Operations start at Shanghai USUI Engine Parts Co., Ltd. (Xinzhuang)
- 2009
- Operations start at Gotemba No.2 Plant
- 2010
- Establishment of USUI International Automotive Parts India Private Limited in India
- 2012
- Establishment of PT.USUI INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA in Indonesia
- Establishment of Usui International Manufacturing Mexico, S.A. de C.V. in Mexico
- 2013
- Establishment of USUI PIPE SYSTEM (HEFEI) CO., LTD. in Hefei, China
- Establishment of USUI SUSIRA International Private Limited in India
- 2014
- Establishment of JIAXING USUI TSURUMI PRECISION TUBE INDUSTRY Co.,Ltd in Jiaxing, China
- 2016
- 2020
- Completion of new head office building