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UICT won 2012 GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award.
November 14, 2012
53 awarded suppliers participated ceremony held on 30th October, 2012.
The 23 Quality Excellence Award winners and the 30 Quality System Basic Award winners were invited to the ceremony at Bangkok,Thailand.
UICT (USUI International Corporation (Thailand) Ltd.) won Quality Excellence Award related to the delivery performance, top quality and quality assurance system during the period from July 2011 to June 2012.
This honorable award encourages us and strengthens our efforts to continue improving our customer satisfaction.

USUI won a Best Performance Award from Continental.
July 23, 2012
USUI won a Best Performance Award from Continental on 4th July, 2012.
Mr. Elmar Degenhart (CEO, Continental) and 116 suppliers were present.
This award was related to our quality&logistic performance in 2011 in the category of fuel pressure components.
We are very honored by this award from Continental and will keep improving our quality and the customer satisfaction continuously in the future.

UICT celebrated its 10th Universal ceremony.
July 23, 2012
UICT 10th memorial anniversary was most actively held at Impact arena near Bangkok on 16th July 2012.
All of employees and their families, approx. 2,000 people,enjoyed live concert, game/food stands and attraction events such as magic show, singing competition by employees, live music by famous Thai star.
Prior to universal ceremony, opening ceremony was held for new surface treatment plant, for devotion to safety operation, further development and health for all employees.

USUI won a Global Quality Award from Renault.
July 12, 2012
USUI won a Global Quality Award from Renault on 19th June, 2012. Mr. Carlos Tavares (COO, Renault) RNPO management team and the 16 suppliers who were granted an award were present.
This award was related to the top quality over the last 10 years and the wide ranged cooperation developed by USUI.
We are very honored by this award from Renault and will keep improving our quality and the customer satisfaction continuously in the future.

January 31, 2012
USUI hereby announces the establishment of PT.USUI INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA on 6th January 2012 in order to set a goal of increasing its presence in Indonesian expanding market.
We are expecting to accelerate globalization of the group and serve in achieving customer's satisfaction.
Company information
- Name
- Location
- Tangerang, Indonesia