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Factory tour of Nirayama elementary school

December 25, 2017

On December 11, 2017, as a contribution to the local community, we held a factory tour for 107 3rd graders of Nirayama elementary school.
Students came to our factory, as part of their classes learning about "work at a factory", and they were amazed at our factory and machine movements that they have never seen before. They listened to our employee's explanation and took notes with enthusiasm.
We hope that this factory tour will make students interested in manufacturing and they will become great engineers who support not only Shizuoka Prefecture but also the world in the future.

50th Cleaning Campaign

December 19, 2017

"USUI KOKUSAI WORKER'S UNION 50TH Cleaning Campaign" was held on December 9th, 2017.
Over 40 participants picked up trash near the HQ despite the midst of a cold weather in December in which we had concerns.
This activity has occurred 50 times over the past 30 years. We are sometimes approached from surrounding neighbors with a "Thank you as always."
We will continue the activity to contribute to the community.


December 12, 2017

On November 25, 2017, at Axis Katsuragi Nagaoka Hall, USUI Co., Ltd. held the GLOBAL USUI FAMILY FESTIVAL 2017 for its employees and their families. With the theme of“Global USUI - Connecting to the Future, Creating Connections,” the objective of the festival was to deepen the participants' understanding of the company as it expands globally by experiencing the appeal of USUI for themselves.
Blessed by fine weather, the festival attracted almost 1,000 participants, who listened to improvement case study presentations from three overseas and two domestic bases. The audience listened enthusiastically to the presentations, apparently comparing the content about overseas production bases to their own workplaces.
The stage show in the afternoon included performers such as impersonators and bands. Various booths set up around the venue included a craft corner, a dress-up corner with ethnic costumes from around the world, and a display corner presenting the cultures of the different countries in which USUI has bases. There was also a massive raffle and a range of other events. With so much on offer, the employees and their families all found something they could enjoy.

Thank you for visiting "IAA Cars 2017"

October 16, 2017

USUI exhibited in IAA Cars 2017 held in Frankfurt, Germany from September 12 to 24, 2017.
Thank you very much for your visit to our booth in IAA Cars 2017 and we appreciate your taking time from your busy schedule to be with us.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions or comments.

Overseas internship for senior high school students

August 31, 2017

USUI implemented an overseas internship program for senior high school students in Shizuoka prefecture as part of the development of global human resources, which is promoted by Shizuoka prefectural Board of Education. 5 students participated in this internship.
After a training in Japan on July 28, they visited USUI International Corporation (Thailand) Ltd. on August 22.
They were very impressed with the depth of manufacturing.
We hope that this experience may help them think about social and working.
We would like to contribute to the local community through such activities in the future as well.

USUI Presents Shizuoka Symphony Orchestra Concert

July 24, 2017

On July 22,2017, As part of CSR activities for stakeholders, we presented "USUI Presents Shizuoka Symphony Orchestra Concert" at Mishima Citizens Cultural Center.
Over 1000 people appreciated Beethoven Symphony No.5, among other songs.
We had a healing time such as conductor's experience and children's instrument performance experience.

Thank you for visiting "Automotive Engineering Exposition 2017 Nagoya"

July 14, 2017

USUI exhibited in Automotive Engineering Exposition held in Nagoya, Japan from June 28 to 30.
We had more visitors than expected and we thank you all for visiting us.
If you are interested in our products or you have any questions regarding our products, please feel free to contact us.

USUI exhibits new technology at IAA Cars 2017

July 10, 2017

USUI exhibits new technology at IAA Cars 2017.
The IAA Cars 2017 will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from September 12 to 24, 2017.
We are sincerely looking forward to having you visit our booth.

Press day, from September 12 to 13, 2017,
Trade visitor days, from September 14 to 15, 2017,
Public days, from September 16 to 24, 2017,
Hall 6.0, Fairground of Messe Frankfurt
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1 D-60327 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Booth #
Products for Exhibition
Fuel Injection Tubes for Common Rail System, HP Pipe and Rail for Gasoline Direct Injection, Fuel Rail for Gasoline Port Fuel Injection, Externally Controlled Fan Drive and Fan, USUI Advanced Plating Technology, Low Pressure Tubes, Others.

The 49th Clean Campaign

June 21, 2017

The 49th Clean Campaign was held by USUI worker's union on June 17, 2017.
We did trash picking along the roadside around the Headquarters.
We'd like to contribute our local community and sustain this commitment through cleaning in Shimizu-cho.

USUI exhibits new technology at 2017 Nagoya Automotive Engineering Exposition

June 7, 2017

2017 Automotive Engineering Exposition will be held in Portmesse Nagoya Exhibition Hall, Nagoya, Japan from June 28 to June 30, 2017.
We are sincerely looking forward to your visit to our booth.

From June 28 to June 30, 2017
Nagoya International Exhibition Hall, Nagoya, Japan
Booth #
Products for Exhibition
Externally Controlled Fan Drive, High Pressure Fuel Tubes for Gasoline Direct Injection Engine, High Pressure Fuel Injection Tube for Clean Diesel Engine, Fuel Rail with Damping Effect, Others

Thank you for visiting "Automotive Engineering Exposition 2017 Yokohama"

May 29, 2017

USUI exhibited in Automotive Engineering Exposition held in Yokohama, Japan from May 24 to 26.
We had more visitors than expected and we thank you all for visiting us.
If you are interested in our products or you have any questions regarding our products, please feel free to contact us.

Opening ceremony of UIMM

May 9, 2017

On April 19, 2017, UIMM (USUI INTERNATIONAL MANUFACTURING MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.) held the Opening ceremony, attended by Guanajuato Governor, Deputy Director General of Guanajuato Provincial Development Bureau, City Mayor of Silao City, Primer Consul of Japan in Leon and other concerned parties, to celebrate the completion of the additional new factory in Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico.
At the new plant, we will provide high quality products by producing various automotive pipes including fuel injection tubes for diesel engines/gasoline engines, brake tubes, various brazing/plating products, in response to customer's request in the North American automotive market.

USUI was awarded “Superior in Transaction Performance 2016” from Mazda Motor Corporation.

April 28, 2017

On March 17, USUI was awarded “Superior in Transaction Performance Award 2016” from Mazda Motor Corporation.
A letter of thanks was presented by President Masamichi Kogai, evaluating our considerate customer service in cost, quality, delivery and development. 15 suppliers were awarded this time including USUI.
We will continue to improve our performance without being satisfied to this result.

USUI exhibits new technology at 2017 Automotive Engineering Exposition.

April 21, 2017

2017 Automotive Engineering Exposition will be held in Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall, Yokohama, Japan from May 24 to May 26, 2017.
We are sincerely looking forward to your visit to our booth.

From May 24 to May 26, 2017
Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall, Yokohama, Japan
Booth #
Products for Exhibition
Externally Controlled Fan Drive, High Pressure Fuel Tubes for Gasoline Direct Injection Engine, High Pressure Fuel Injection Tube for Clean Diesel Engine, Fuel Rail with Damping Effect, Others

Holding an initiation ceremony in 2017

April 3, 2017

On April 3, 2017, USUI CO., LTD. held a ceremony to welcome our new employees. Attendees included the chairman, the president, the directors and the labor union representative.
The ceremony reached a great success with speeches given by the chairman and the president, greetings from the labor union representative, and a speech of appreciation from a new employee representative.

Donation of security cameras to local elementary schools

March 13, 2017

As part of social contribution, we have donated security cameras to local elementary schools.
We held a donation ceremony on February 14th 2017 at Shimizu elementary school located near our head office And on March 2nd at Nirayama elementary school located nearby our Nirayama plant. We received letters of appreciation.

We hope that this will be some of help for local children's safety and happy school life.
We would like to contribute to the local community through such activities in the future as well.

Masashi Nakayama, a player Azul Claro Numazu, visits our office

March 6, 2017

On March 1, 2017, Masakuni Yamamoto, the president of the J3 League's Azul Claro Numazu which we sponsor, Masashi Nakayama and the people concerned visited our head office.
Before the opening game on March 18, Nakayama visited all departments and told of his ambitions for new season. Every employee seemed excited at the surprise visit.

The season will begin after Azul Claro Numazu was promoted to the J3.Leaugue.
We will continue to support Azul Claro Numazu.

2017 USUI Purchase policy briefings session

January 30, 2017

On January 27th 2017, “USUI Purchase Policy Briefings” were held at the convention center in Numazu City.
Thanks to many suppliers' participation, we were able to explain the global business plan, purchase quality policy, and global procurement policy.
In addition, we presented “Supplier of the Year Award” to the excellent and cooperative suppliers which were based on QCDSM comprehensive evaluation of 2016.