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UICT won ISUZU's Supplier Group Activity Award for the Sixth Consecutive Year

December 7, 2022

On December 7,2022, USUI International Corporation (Thailand) Ltd. won ISUZU's Supplier Group Activity Award from ISUZU SUPPLIER GROUP and ISUZU MOTORS CO., (from THAILAND) LTD.
This year, our 2021 sales cooperation was ranked first, and process improvement activity cooperation ranked fourth, both of which were highly evaluated.
We will continue to make further efforts to earn the trust of our customers.


December 1, 2022

GLOBAL USUI BUSIINESS PLAN CONFERENCE 2023 was held on December 1, 2022, bringing together the 14 international affiliates from around the world.
We held a face to face reunion at the Japan head office for the first time in 3 years. At this meeting, the annual policies and activity plans of each company were announced, including the Group Policies for 2023.
In 2023, we will continue to promote activities in line with the Group policies of each company, and work as one to provide stable supply of products to customers and contribute to local communities.

Internship for Hamamatsu Keiyo high school

June 8, 2022

On June 8, 2022, we invited three Hamamatsu Keiyo high school students to an internship at Hamamatsu Satellite Plant.
Participating students experienced jig bending, shape confirmation, pipe trolley production, etc., and deepened their knowledge about the manufacturing industry, which they usually do not touch.
The instructor was a new employee who joined the company in April 2022, and it was a good experience to learn how difficult it is to respond to and teach people even though they are not used to it.
We hope that this internship will help the participating students to choose their own career path.
We will continue to accept such internships in the future.

USUI SUSIRA New Plant Completion Ceremony

May 23, 2022

April 15,2022, USUI SUSIRA INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. held an opening ceremony of the new plant at Mahindra Industrial Park in northern part of Chennai.
The new Plant will handle the rapidly increasing demand of the Indian automotive market, new GDI products and existing products from rental 4 plants have been integrated to improve efficiency of the plant operations and Manufacturing cost.
This will meet our customers’ expectations.

Welcoming ceremony in 2022

April 1, 2022

On April 1, 2022, USUI CO., LTD. held a ceremony to welcome our new employees.
Attendees included the chairman, the president, the directors, and the labor union representative.
The ceremony was a great success with speeches given by the president, greetings from the labor union representative, and a speech of appreciation from a new employee representative.

Signboard installation

March 17, 2022

Izunokuni city installed a signboard of Japanese historical drama on the outer wall of Nirayama plant.
The drama is set in Izunokuni city. We hope to contribute to the excitement even more.
It is installed in a position that can be easily seen from the railroad track near Nirayama Station on the Izuhakone Railway.
Please take a look when you come near us.

2022 Usui Procurement Web Conference

January 28, 2022

On January 28, USUI CO.,LTD. Held “2022 Usui Procurement Web Conference” (On-Line).
We introduced USUI global's mid-term Mission and Vision, 2022 Action policy and Mid/2022 procurement policy to approximately 100 partners.
Due to COVID-19, this was held with online this time, but we would like to offer our sincere gratitude for all of our partner’s support for our business activity.
We also appreciate our partner’s future support to our procurement policy as well.